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Work API

This repo will hold design documents and implementation of the Work API.

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Quick Start

This guide will cover:

  • Create a kind cluster that acts as the hub work delivery control plane.
  • Create a kind cluster that acts as the spoke cluster for the work to be delivery to.
  • Install the work CRD to the hub cluster.
  • Install the work agent components to the spoke cluster.
  • Deploy a work example on the hub cluster.
  • Verify all the contents inside the work has been delivered in the spoke cluster.


Create and setup the Hub cluster

Open a new terminal window and run the following commands:

cd /tmp
git clone
kind delete cluster --name hub 
kind create cluster --name hub
kind get kubeconfig --name hub  > /tmp/hub-io-kubeconfig
export KUBECONFIG=/tmp/hub-io-kubeconfig
cd /tmp/work-api
kubectl apply -f config/crd
cp /tmp/hub-io-kubeconfig hub-kubeconfig
kubectl config set clusters.kind-hub.server https://hub-control-plane:6443 --kubeconfig hub-kubeconfig

Create and setup the Spoke cluster

Open another new terminal window and run the following commands:

kind delete cluster --name cluster1
kind create cluster --name cluster1
kind get kubeconfig --name cluster1 > /tmp/cluster1-io-kubeconfig
export KUBECONFIG=/tmp/cluster1-io-kubeconfig
cd /tmp/work-api
make docker-build
kind load docker-image --name=cluster1 work-api-controller:latest
kubectl apply -f deploy/component_namespace.yaml 
kubectl delete secret hub-kubeconfig-secret -n work --ignore-not-found
kubectl create secret generic hub-kubeconfig-secret --from-file=kubeconfig=hub-kubeconfig -n work 
rm hub-kubeconfig
kubectl apply -k deploy

Deploy a Work on the Hub cluster

On the Hub cluster terminal, run the following command:

kubectl apply -f examples/example-work.yaml

Verify delivery on the Spoke cluster

On the Spoke cluster terminal, run the following commands:

$ kubectl -n default get deploy test-nginx
test-nginx   2/2     2            2           32s
$ kubectl -n default get service test-nginx
test-nginx   ClusterIP   <none>        80/TCP    46s

Code of conduct

Participation in the Kubernetes community is governed by the Kubernetes Code of Conduct.