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Discovering Plugins

You can find a list of kubectl plugins distributed via Krew [here][list]. However, you can find plugins using the command line as well.

Search available plugins

First, refresh your local copy of the plugin index:

{{<prompt>}}kubectl krew update

To list all plugins available, run:

{{<prompt>}}kubectl krew search
NAME             DESCRIPTION                                         INSTALLED
access-matrix    Show an RBAC access matrix for server resources     no
advise-psp       Suggests PodSecurityPolicies for cluster.           no
auth-proxy       Authentication proxy to a pod or service            no
bulk-action      Do bulk actions on Kubernetes resources.            no
ca-cert          Print the PEM CA certificate of the current clu...  no

You can specify search keywords as arguments:

{{<prompt>}}kubectl krew search pod
NAME                DESCRIPTION                                         INSTALLED
evict-pod           Evicts the given pod                                no
pod-dive            Shows a pod's workload tree and info inside a node  no
pod-logs            Display a list of pods to get logs from             no
pod-shell           Display a list of pods to execute a shell in        no
rm-standalone-pods  Remove all pods without owner references            no
support-bundle      Creates support bundles for off-cluster analysis    no{{</output>}}

Learn more about a plugin

To get more information on a plugin, run kubectl krew info <PLUGIN>:

{{<prompt>}} kubectl krew info tree
NAME: tree
VERSION: v0.4.0
  This plugin shows sub-resources of a specified Kubernetes API object in a
  tree view in the command-line. The parent-child relationship is discovered
  using ownerReferences on the child object.

[list]: {{< relref "" >}}